I've probably made this topic before at the ucoz forum, but after looking at the tutorial site where jackass got the awesome scripts, btw, thanks for translating them :D, I saw that some of the scripts required another jquery library... I, on the other hand, really want to use the latest version of jquery tabs, but I've tried it before and it's conflicting against the preexisting library that ucoz has.
I was just wondering if anybody knows how to use jquery noconflict and please give me a tutorial =p. I've already went to the jquery site...just don't understand how or what to do that's all =s
Edited Byheysupp - Wednesday, 2009 August 05, 9:01 AM
Well I'm not really an expert on this. But i'm pretty sure you have to stick with the one uCoz uses. You can still check but i don't know. Sorry. "When life gives you lemons, make orange juice. Sit back, relax, and let the world wonder how you did it."
Since ucoz' current jquery version is 1.2.6, will the latest stable version work with, let's say the ajax pop ups? i.e. awards, reputation, the popup after you add an entry