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Forum moderator: kostova  
A bit of XML help.
TOY_ROBOTDate: Wednesday, 2011 February 02, 3:16 AM | Message # 1
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Group: User
Message: 3
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Hiya, everyone. I need a bit of help with something so I figured this would be a good place to ask for assistance.

I'm in the process of redesigning my current site the Starship Phoenix, and I want to add a sort of image slider to my test site, like this:

Here is the link to my test site:
I'd like to add the image slider where the news article is on the home page.

EDIT: Ironically, I've been here exactly 365, which means I must have come here for exactly help a year ago. :P

My problem is that I have no knowledge whatsoever in terms of using XML. So, if I were to add something like this to my site, how would I go about doing that exactly? Whatever help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Edited ByTOY_ROBOT - Wednesday, 2011 February 02, 3:20 AM
kostovaDate: Friday, 2011 February 18, 7:43 AM | Message # 2
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Message: 268
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XML is pretty easy as it's only data.

If I remember correctly, just download the flabell tool you're using, go directly to the xml file that contains the images (not the directory) and replace those image links with ones you want.

XML IS allowed in uCoz. So don't worry. Upload everything that comes with the flabell image slider to your uCoz directory and I believe you can handle it.

edees226Date: Thursday, 2024 May 16, 10:54 AM | Message # 3
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