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Forum moderator: kostova  
Friends Feature (using module "Blog")
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Poll has expired - Friday, 2011 October 14, 3:36 AM
Answers total: 11
jackassDate: Thursday, 2010 October 14, 3:36 AM | Message # 1
Font size: A | A |
Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
uCoz is planing in future to add this feature, so when it will be ready I suggest you to switch on it, but now you can use this one, its not perfect, but it helps to find your friend fast.

If you are using module "Blog" than this is not for you! We will need to use Blog to add this feature on your profile page!
You must follow all 8 steps, it's very important, if you skip one step, I guess I will see a post with question: "Help me, I did all what was in tutorial and it didn't work!"

Ok, let's start! smile

1. step.

Go to your sites CP and install module "Blog"

2. step.

Go to Main » Blog » Module settings and set Fields of a new entry form: like it is in screenshot

+ Enable capability to search entries of a particular user: Save it!

3. step.
Go to Main » Users » User groups » Set permissions for all groups and check following:

Add new entries (All users can add friends)
Remove own entries (Users can remove friends)

And uncheck:
Pre-moerate new entries (must be verified) (so that user don't need to wait for admins to moderate his friends
Edit own entries (No need to edit friend!)

4. step.
Go to Main » Customize design » Editing templates >> Blog >> Page of the entries archive and replace all code with this:


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>$TITLE_BAR$ - $SITE_NAME$</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" href="/_st/my.css" />
   #puzadpn {display:none;}

   <table style="width: 100%;"><tr><td>
<!-- Friends -->

<script type="text/javascript">
if('$PAGE_ID$' == 'add') {
if(document.getElementById('blM16')) document.getElementById('blM16').style.display = 'none'; // Это чтоб не было Страницы добавления
document.getElementById('blF1').value = parent.document.getElementById('favik2').innerHTML; // Имя пользователя $TITLE$
document.getElementById('blF12').value = parent.document.getElementById('favik3').innerHTML; // ID пользователя $OTHER2$
document.getElementById('blF13').value = parent.document.getElementById('favik3').innerHTML; // Логин $OTHER3$
document.getElementById('blF11').value = parent.window.location.href; // Ссылка пользователя $OTHER1$
alert('This user is now in your friends list!'); // Это алерт


5. step.
Go to Main » Customize design » Editing templates >> Blog >> Appearance of entries and replace all code with this:


<div class="u-friends" style="width: 33%; float: left;">

<!-- Friends -->

.mbord {border: 1px solid #DAE1E8;padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;background: #FFFFFF;}
.mbord:hover {border: 1px solid #C2CFDB;padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;background: #FFFFFF;}
#photo {width:5px;}
.photo {
border-bottom: 1px solid #DCDCDC;
   border-top: 1px solid #DCDCDC;
   border-left: 1px solid #DCDCDC;
   border-right: 1px solid #DCDCDC;
background: #ffffff;
padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
.photo:hover {
background: #FFFFFF;
border-bottom: 1px solid #3787B5;
   border-top: 1px solid #3787B5;
   border-left: 1px solid #3787B5;
   border-right: 1px solid #3787B5;
.avatar2 img { width: 100px; height: auto; }
#ava$ID$ img {width: 100px; height: auto;}
.proava {
background: #ffffff;
display: block;
border: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
.proava:hover {
background: transparent url('/');
border: 1px solid #1C436E;
color: #000000;
   font-weight: bold;
padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;

   .vibfr {display:block;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;border-bottom: 1px solid #DAE1E8;}
   .vibfr:hover {display:block;padding-bottom: 3px;padding-top: 3px;background: #EEF2F4;border-bottom: 1px solid #DAE1E8;}
<div class="mbord">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td style="padding-left: 10px;" valign="top">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2">
<div colspan="2" style="padding-bottom: 2px;" align="left">
   <!-- Username and link -->
   <b><a href="$OTHER1$">$TITLE$</a></b> $MODER_PANEL$ <span id="sta$ID$"></span>
   <!-- Username and link -->
<td valign="top">
<div style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(218, 226, 232); padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px;" align="center">
<div class="photo">
<div class="avatar2">
   <!-- Avatars -->
<span id="ava$ID$"></span>
   <!-- Avatars -->
<td align="right" valign="top" width="150">
<div style="border-top: 1px solid rgb(218, 226, 232); padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;" align="left">
<a href="/index/8-$OTHER2$" class="proava">Profile</a>
<a href="/index/14-$OTHER2$-0-1" class="proava">Send PM</a>
<a href="/blog/0-1-0-0-17-$OTHER2$" class="proava">His friends</a>

<script>$('#ava$ID$').load('$OTHER1$ #avatar');</script>
<script>$('#sta$ID$').load('$OTHER1$ #status');</script>

6. step.
Go to Main » Customize design » Editing templates >> Users >> User personal page and add this code where you want button "Add to friends list" to appear!


<!-- Friends -->
   <!-- to add -->
   <span id="favik"></span>
   <span id="favik2" style="display:none;">$_USERNAME$</span>
   <span id="favik3" style="display: none;">$_USER_ID$</span>
   <span id="favik4" style="display: none;">$_USERNAME$</span>

   <script language="JavaScript">
function add_fr() {
if(document.getElementById('favik')) document.getElementById('favik').innerHTML = '<iframe style="width:1px;height:1px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" hspace="0" vspace="0" allowtransparency="true" src="/blog/0-0-0-0-1"></iframe>';
   <!-- to add/ -->
<div onmouseover="this.className='MmenuOver';" class="MmenuOut" onmouseout="this.className='MmenuOut'">
<!-- button -->
<a href="javascript://" onClick="add_fr();"><img alt="Add to friends list" src="/profile_user/icons/add_friend.png" height="16px"></a>
   <!-- button/ -->
   <!-- Friends/ -->

/profile_user/icons/add_friend.png Change to your image

7. step.
Where you want friends list with avatar and all other things to appear you will need to add this code:


   <!-- Friends -->
<?if($_BLOG_ENTRIES$>0)?> <hr>
   <center><a href="javascript:openLayerA('ID','/blog/0-0-0-0-17-$_USER_ID$','My Friends','900','700','auto')"><?if($_IS_OWN_PROFILE$)?>My Friends<?else?>His Friends<?endif?></a></center>

<table style="width: 100%;">
   <div style="overflow:auto; height:150px;width:100%;">
   <span id="friends"></span>
   <script type="text/javascript">$.get('/blog/0-0-0-0-17-$_USER_ID$', function(photo){$('#friends').append($('div.u-friends:lt(100)', photo))});</script>
<!-- Friends -->

How you can see, I used one of my tutorials "How to make informer without informer" in this tutorial to make this feature better looking. smile

8. step.
Now if you want to see all your friends avatars in your friends list to show up you will need to remake your avatar code in profile page
By default it is:



Now you will need to make it like this:
<span id="avatar"><?if($_AVATAR$)?>$_AVATAR$<?else?><img src="/images/noavatar.png" border="0"><?endif?></span>

/images/noavatar.png you will need to replace with your image!

Thats all!

I'am author of this tutorial I made a big changes to this codes
Source of default codes
This tutorial in Latvian language you can find here!

If I will see this tutorials copy on other sites without my permission your site will be reported for Copyright Violations

Tutorial Copyright By uCozers
Attachments: 9420620.png (5.4 Kb)

kostovaDate: Thursday, 2010 October 14, 4:41 AM | Message # 2
Font size: A | A |
Group: Administrator
Message: 268
[ ]
It would be great to have an approval from friend requests. But it's still nice. Great job!
You should add the "Add this person to friends list" in the forum as well.

By the way, in my profile it says "HIDEN" in the email field when it should say "HIDDEN".

jackassDate: Thursday, 2010 October 14, 2:43 PM | Message # 3
Font size: A | A |
Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
Quote (kostova)
You should add the "Add this person to friends list" in the forum as well.

Good idea, I will try to do it later
Quote (kostova)
By the way, in my profile it says "HIDEN" in the email field when it should say "HIDDEN".

Fixed smile

PistolDate: Thursday, 2010 October 14, 5:20 PM | Message # 4
Font size: A | A |
Group: uCozer
Message: 60
[ ]
uhu wink
jackassDate: Friday, 2010 October 15, 1:41 AM | Message # 5
Font size: A | A |
Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
Quote (kostova)
You should add the "Add this person to friends list" in the forum as well.

Not working!

If in one thread is more than one post, than there is 1< user names and 1< avatars so this script is taking first user name and avatars from all posts.

kostovaDate: Saturday, 2010 October 16, 7:35 AM | Message # 6
Font size: A | A |
Group: Administrator
Message: 268
[ ]
Not sure what you mean. But I'll take a look at it soon to see if I can make it work.
njustedDate: Saturday, 2010 October 23, 10:49 PM | Message # 7
Font size: A | A |
Group: User
Message: 12
[ ]
It works! Thank you so much!!! biggrin
13053121k0Date: Tuesday, 2010 November 23, 12:00 PM | Message # 8
Font size: A | A |
Group: User
Message: 5
[ ]
if the other user that you will add wont get a notification or some sort. then it shouldn't be add a friend. it should be something like follow. just my opinion.
SirDarknightDate: Saturday, 2011 April 02, 10:08 AM | Message # 9
Font size: A | A |
Group: uCozer
Message: 61
[ ]
OK. Any Kind Person Can Fix My Code Below ?


It Looks Messing :

Attachments: 2159999.png (20.3 Kb)

Please Give Me Some Reputation or Award If My Post Helps You
kostovaDate: Saturday, 2011 April 02, 8:50 PM | Message # 10
Font size: A | A |
Group: Administrator
Message: 268
[ ]
With the new update, there could be a different way of doing this :]
jackassDate: Saturday, 2011 April 02, 8:55 PM | Message # 11
Font size: A | A |
Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
kostova, you ar talking about PHP?

SirDarknight, it's looks fine. looks like you don't have default avatar!

My opinion is that it was looking messy at from beginning biggrin

SirDarknightDate: Sunday, 2011 April 03, 5:43 AM | Message # 12
Font size: A | A |
Group: uCozer
Message: 61
[ ]
jackass, Haha. You didn't get it. See This :

Please Give Me Some Reputation or Award If My Post Helps You
jackassDate: Sunday, 2011 April 03, 3:54 PM | Message # 13
Font size: A | A |
Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
Quote (SirDarknight)
jackass, Haha. You didn't get it. See This :

I don't see anything biggrin

PS. nice profile design! wink

dinukap4Date: Sunday, 2011 May 15, 7:58 AM | Message # 14
Font size: A | A |
Group: User
Message: 18
[ ]
al right it worked really well thanks!!
free_btcDate: Monday, 2022 January 03, 4:53 PM | Message # 15
Font size: A | A |
Group: User
Message: 5
[ ]
Hello everyone, my name is Erica, I will tell you how to use blockchain so that you can make money on this system.
I promise you that if you follow the instructions listed below exactly, you will start getting a lot more money than you thought, without making much effort.
Read this a couple of times!!! Follow the instructions and the money will start coming to your wallet. Agree it's simple!!!
It's legal. And your contribution is only 0.006 BTC.
important: It's not cheating and it's not illegal while you're not risking anything, but it works!!!
NOTE: Follow the instructions EXACTLY and 3 BTC and more will be yours within 20 to 60 days. All this works well thanks to the HONESTY of the participants.
Here are the 3 steps to success:
1. If you do not have the same 0.006, then you need to register in a system like blockchain, which is located at: take a good look at this system, how it works, choose the best replenishment option for yourself, deposit 0.006 BTC to your BITCOIN wallet
2. Take the first wallet number from the list below, send 0.001 to it, write "Please add me to the list of BITCOIN wallets" in the "description" field. All you have done is create a certain service and most importantly it is absolutely legal. You are asking for a legitimate service that you are paying for. In other wallets without a note.
Send 0.001 BTC to the following 5 wallets (0.001 BTC each!!!):

1. bc1q28d8rkwyk5vztg2h6rwspr2qy7gyx36s69wzgt
2. bc1qcj7vtk4ly9s8lzlhcu2x2ew8wx4ur6t6260wyk
3. bc1qlhuhfewqn4y6jz9t9yks3t3pnj766xzytqd6mc
5. bc1qvt9vtyvgws6jausgqrsa5l6w4h98jymtududyw
6. bc1qep9xc9hhlt0394suu5u4ed6r8ldy0cn3t3u7yh

Now ATTENTION!!! After sending 0.001 BTC to the 1st wallet, delete IT from this list and move the 2nd wallet to the place of the 1st one that you erased, the 3rd to the place of the 2nd, the 4th to the place of the 3rd, the 5th to the place of the 4th and the 6th to the place of the 5th! And in the sixth number, which turned out to be empty, ENTER the NUMBER of your BTC WALLET. Make whatever changes you want in my article, but just keep the MAIN IDEA!!!So, when you reach the first position, you will be able to get up to 3 or more BTC just as a list creator! It costs 0.001 and quite a trifling job! The main thing is that this feature works and it's great! Do it now - without putting it off for tomorrow!
TIME IS MONEY!!!!!!!! How to distribute information in forums?
1. Open the search engine ,, , and others
2. Write in the search bar the phrase: "forum start a new topic" or "forum
start a new topic work" (without quotes).The search engine will find thousands of pages, links to which immediately lead to MILLIONS of new forum topics. And one more thing: don't be alarmed if suddenly there is already one or more similar ones on the site where you wanted to place your ad. This once again confirms that it is really possible to earn money in the WebMoney system!
In order for the income to really be substantial, you need to send your ad to 200 forums, preferably more. Because only 2.5% can respond. And patience, receipts will begin to go no earlier than a week later and then at 0.001. plus.
3. You can also send this letter to 10 people by mail and then your income will grow guaranteed.And now I'll tell you why you don't actually lose anything anyway, but only win! For example, out of 200 placements, I will receive only 5 responses, i.e. only 2.5% of people will respond (a very, very small and low figure). So, I will get 0.005, being on the 6th position in the list!!! Now these 5 people make 200 placements each MINIMUM with my wallet in the 5th position, and only 5 people answer those first five - this is already 0.025 BTC! Then these 25 people make 200 placements with my wallet already on the 4th line (because they enter their own) and only 5 answer - my income is 0.125 BTC!!!!!!! Now, these 125 people, having posted and received only 5 responses, give me 0.625 BTC of profit (I'm on the 3rd line)! Then it's funnier: these 625 people make at LEAST 200 placements with me on the 2nd line and only 5 people respond, this is already 3.125 BTC! Well, the most interesting thing is that these 3125 people make 200 placements each with my wallet already on the 1st line and only 5 people answer them again, then my income is 15.625 BTC!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that an impressive figure?????!!!!!
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