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Forum moderator: kostova  
Solstice Unity
kostovaDate: Tuesday, 2010 April 06, 6:33 AM | Message # 1
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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I haven't put that much effort into it even though I've talked about it but I've been way too busy with school. Although I do have a ton of do-able ideas for solsticeunity.

It won 2nd place for Best uCoz Website, with some great comments from some of the admins that I'm very proud of myself.
I do want to continue working on it when I feel like it, because there is no incentive other than my passion for design.
And it's also categorized as one of the best sites on uCoz, which is a site I found the day after I registered on - Also in a strange coincidence, the order of the winners on are equivalent to the order of Best On uCoz.
I will definitely put more effort into it in time.

jackassDate: Monday, 2010 November 15, 8:31 PM | Message # 2
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Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
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kostova, It looks pretty simple, but I like it smile

Here is my site smile
Few days ago I bought a domain name for my site, now I can create a sub-domains
This design is mixed from uCoz default designs and one downloaded design, I have profile page like in uCozers and many other cool stuff
I will try to get in next contest for the best site smile
But I don't think that I can get in a good place, I don't have many users!

kostovaDate: Tuesday, 2010 December 07, 2:18 PM | Message # 3
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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update: changed title.
BrazenDate: Wednesday, 2010 December 08, 0:06 AM | Message # 4
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Group: Administrator
Message: 304
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Congrads on winning kostova! Wow, I didn't know was your site!

LOL With Us! l Game Blog l 3D Autos

"knowledge without wisdom is curse" Alex Seb

kostovaDate: Friday, 2010 December 10, 7:05 AM | Message # 5
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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Thanks! And I'm sorry it looks so plain right now. Been so busy with school that I literally spent about a few hours coding it, leaving it roughly unfinished.

Although my design process was actually a few months going through various versions (on and off again). And I'm still coming up with the latest version (from the current one) about several different phases, I'm absolutely positive it looks better. A lot more interface tweaks. Interface is my number one priority in designing..

Tons of ideas. Don't feel like listing them. But it takes on a bunch of approaches that use uCoz operators and functions to it's potential. Adding a few more minor features that otherwise wouldn't be accessible through module settings which would be included in the overall design.

Btw, I voted for EpicLosers 5 stars every chance I could when the contest was going on.

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