One of my computers is over heating all the time and at some points shuts down due to high temperature so I went and googled do it yourself (DIY) air cooling devices and let me tell you I went across a lot of interesting stuff.
Just for fun I want to post here some of my findings. Third: How to Make Your Own Air Conditioner Powered by USB.
Second: Home Made Water Cooler System for your Computer
First: How to Make Mineral Oil Submerged Computer This one probably is the most unique way, but I wouldn't submerge my new computer into any kind of the oil, and yes this is not fake.
here's is my tip to keep your computer cooler and that is by opening your computer lid on the side of your computer it will give a better air flow.
True that is why mine is open too. My gaming computer runs pretty hot too, not as hot as to shut down it self. There are some benefits of hot computer and that it is serves me as a heater during the fall and winter.
I am curios how many fans does your computer have? Mine have 5! One on by processor, one at the back of the computer, other one on the graphic card and the other two on the power supply!