Brought to you by Hetor and Jackass For those who don't know, IRC in an oldschool, feature-rich and awesome chat protocol. An IRC channel is actually a chatroom, which is going to replace the xat chatbox.
I would like to point out that I didn't write those rules. jackass did, so don't bite me if you don't like them.
1. In our channel you are alowed to speak English only.
2. In our channel you are not alowed to:
1) Trolling, swearing or insulting anyone.
2) Impersonate people.
3) Spam or flood.
4) No bots without staff approval.
3. If you spam somebody through PM, user can take a screenshot and then you will be banned!
4. Everything you say on IRC can and will be used against you.
How to join
There are 2 ways to join the channel.
1) Use mibbit. Mibbit is a browser-based AJAX IRC client, which will work in almost any web browser. To access it, open your profile and go to "chatroom". Then enter your nickname and you'll automatically enter the channel. You can also access it by clicking this link.
2) Use another IRC client like XChat. This is a better option then using mibbit, but requires patience, because you'll need to configure your IRC client. The information below will help you. There's also a tutorial about setting up XChat.
Connect information
Network: (Random server)
Port: 6667
Channel: #uCozers
Setting up XChat
You think that mibbit looks like crap? Got tired of it? You need to get an IRC client!. This graphical toturial will show you an easy and fast way to connect to the IRC with XChat (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, free) or mIRC (Windows, shareware).
XChat is a compact, highly configurable and userfriendly IRC client which runs on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. The official Windows version has become shareware, but the source code is still open, so there are few unofficial distributions which are free and legal to download and use. I've included a link to a trusted distribution that I has tested on my virtual machine.
Get XChat
Fedora Linux:
Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Linux Mint: Comes preinstalled, available in repositories
Kubuntu: Available in repositories
Other Linux: (source code)
Windows XP/2000/Vista: Distribution by SilverX
Configure XChat
Ok, first you need to add Gamers-Union network. You will see a network list at startup. Click the Add button, rename the new network to Gamers-Union and press enter. Then click on Gamers-Union and then click edit. Change the first server to and add #uCozers to favorite channels. Don't forget to check "Connect to this network automaticaly", and leave other fields alone.
Save the edits. Now ckeck "skip this list at startup", select Gamers-Union and press connect. You're done! Now whenever you launch XChat, it will automaticaly connect to Gamers-Union and join #uCozers.
How to enable beep notifications in XChat
If you want beep notifications in XChat, go Settings > Preferences > Sound. Select "Beep" and those a sound file. Then go to Alerts (don't close the settings window) and enable beep notifications.
Some basic IRC commands
Note: [ ] means that an argument is optional.
/join #channel [key] - Join a channel
/part [#channel] [reason] - Leave a channel
/quit [reason] - Disconnect from server
/nick nickname_without_spaces - Change your nickname
/topic Channel topic here - Set channel topic
/kick person [reason] - Kick someone out of the channel
/ban mask or nick - Ban a person (this command doesn't kick. You'll have to kick the banned person manualy)
/mode modechar [nick] - Sets a mode on nick or channel. Type /help mode for explanation.
Suggestions? Questions? Post here.