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BrazenDate: Monday, 2009 September 21, 8:27 AM | Message # 46
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Group: Administrator
Message: 304
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Quote (heysupp)
Try reuploading the Black Theme.

I don't have the copy of the Black Theme since jackass uploaded it.
jackass won't be here for a few days since he is in the college right now.

LOL With Us! l Game Blog l 3D Autos

"knowledge without wisdom is curse" Alex Seb

kostovaDate: Monday, 2009 September 21, 8:34 AM | Message # 47
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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=o! here it is:

I'm wondering why my MyBB is different than your MyBB. Do you have the latest version?

Also, template > Header > Header, doesn't close div#content in the header where it is suppose to be, so it closes in
template > Footer > Footer.

ex: Header

<div id="content">

ex: Footer

<div id="bug">FOOTER CONTENT</div>

When put together, it parses both codes like so.
{HEADER}<div id="content">header content
{FOOTER}<div id="bug">footer content</div><!- last div closes #content -></div>

Something to learn from MyBB's odd template.

edit: Successfully created a sidebar on for testing. Although It's only a div, and not a curly bracket where you can easily change things.
Working on creating a new template for 'sidebar' aka block.

Then I can successfully transfer the design onto Ucozers.

Attachments: 5703913.jpg (89.4 Kb)

Edited Byheysupp - Monday, 2009 September 21, 10:01 AM
BrazenDate: Monday, 2009 September 21, 1:27 PM | Message # 48
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Group: Administrator
Message: 304
[ ]
Quote (heysupp)
I'm wondering why my MyBB is different than your MyBB. Do you have the latest version?

I don't know what kind of version you have but you can log in as admin in uCozers and lab and compare them.

Good work!

LOL With Us! l Game Blog l 3D Autos

"knowledge without wisdom is curse" Alex Seb

kostovaDate: Tuesday, 2009 September 22, 11:02 PM | Message # 49
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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I have the latest version. And I'll be pretty busy the next few days because of school...
I'll try and get something done.
BrazenDate: Wednesday, 2009 September 23, 1:41 AM | Message # 50
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Group: Administrator
Message: 304
[ ]
Quote (heysupp)
And I'll be pretty busy the next few days because of school...

Same here, some of the major chapter tests are comping up that I can't afford to fail!

LOL With Us! l Game Blog l 3D Autos

"knowledge without wisdom is curse" Alex Seb

AltricDate: Wednesday, 2009 September 23, 3:39 AM | Message # 51
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Group: uCozer
Message: 81
[ ]
I think you guys should just forget the idea of another site. I don't see why we can't keep this one, it just doesn't make sense to leave the program that we have tutorials and help towards. wacko

"When you get frustrated, just ignore it and keep on enjoying life."
YoshoDate: Wednesday, 2009 September 23, 7:20 AM | Message # 52
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Group: User
Message: 39
[ ]
Quote (Altric)
I think you guys should just forget the idea of another site. I don't see why we can't keep this one, it just doesn't make sense to leave the program that we have tutorials and help towards.

most of the ucozers agree with you see the poll results!

kostovaDate: Wednesday, 2009 September 23, 11:24 AM | Message # 53
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
[ ]
I gave my opinion. We are extremely limited here, whereas we can further expand our knowledge of web technologies by expanding our territories, divide and conquer. As it were.
jackassDate: Wednesday, 2009 September 23, 3:34 PM | Message # 54
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Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
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Quote (Altric)
I think you guys should just forget the idea of another site. I don't see why we can't keep this one, it just doesn't make sense to leave the program that we have tutorials and help towards.

You don't like new things right?
If you have a computer from 1987 and it works then why to change it for new this year computer?

it just doesn't make sense right? lol

jackassDate: Wednesday, 2009 September 23, 3:40 PM | Message # 55
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Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
P.S. can someone explain who and why mess up forum design?

kostovaDate: Wednesday, 2009 September 23, 8:36 PM | Message # 56
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
[ ]
It was some problem with the css of Black template when edited. There was a "%0" at the end of the stylesheet which would not cache properly when edited out, and the directories don't match up with the images.

The fix should be reuploading the Black theme. It should overwrite the current one.

edit: now I see the problem, someone installed 'SideBoxes' plugin and that's what made everything go haywire.

Edited Byheysupp - Wednesday, 2009 September 23, 8:57 PM
ericazhossDate: Tuesday, 2022 May 24, 9:57 AM | Message # 57
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Group: User
Message: 3
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Help children of war in Ukraine
The Voices of Children Foundation has been helping children affected by the war since 2015. Thanks to you, we provide psychological and psychosocial support to children. It helps them overcome the consequences of armed conflict and develop. Today, during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, we are providing non-stop assistance to affected children and families from all over the country, providing emergency psychological assistance, and assisting in the evacuation process.

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Contacts: +380 (95) 785 60 62

Edited Byericazhoss - Tuesday, 2022 May 24, 10:01 AM

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