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Forum moderator: kostova, Brazen  
I want to create a toolbar.
januDate: Monday, 2009 December 07, 5:45 AM | Message # 1
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Group: User
Message: 12
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I wanted to create a toolbar or something like that which we see in facebook.Here is image.

Click the image to enlarge..
I think u understand what I mean.I have seen this type of bar in some-of ucoz website.So i too wanted to add it.
KroneDate: Saturday, 2009 December 19, 2:18 AM | Message # 2
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Group: uCozer
Message: 79
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I believe this shouldn't be in the Graphics section.
kostovaDate: Saturday, 2009 December 19, 1:13 PM | Message # 3
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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I made one a couple months ago. I'll check again for it, if I haven't already deleted it.
moved to HTML.
PistolDate: Saturday, 2010 January 02, 1:06 AM | Message # 4
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Group: uCozer
Message: 60
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Quote (kostova)
I made one a couple months ago. I'll check again for it, if I haven't already deleted it.
moved to HTML.

hmm can u check it plze

Edited ByPistol - Saturday, 2010 January 02, 1:06 AM
kostovaDate: Saturday, 2010 January 02, 2:08 AM | Message # 5
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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It doesn't have a chat feature, but with some of the scripts those are providing on the uCoz forum, we can integrate at least an xatech chat.
I have it on my global blocks. I'll give the code for it when I get back from [insert place here], which is 4 or more hours.
Here was the beta for it...I left it at that for a few months.
AltricDate: Sunday, 2010 January 03, 0:07 AM | Message # 6
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Group: uCozer
Message: 81
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"When you get frustrated, just ignore it and keep on enjoying life."
PistolDate: Saturday, 2010 January 09, 5:56 PM | Message # 7
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Group: uCozer
Message: 60
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Quote (kostova)
doesn't have a chat feature, but with some of the scripts those are providing on the uCoz forum, we can integrate at least an xatech chat.
I have it on my global blocks. I'll give the code for it when I get back from [insert place here], which is 4 or more hours.
Here was the beta for it...I left it at that for a few months.

can u give the code ?

looneyheadDate: Wednesday, 2010 July 21, 10:39 PM | Message # 8
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Group: uCozer
Message: 54
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I made one for my site, but only people with Firefox and Google Chrome can see it.

If you want one at the bottom of your site, add this to your Style Sheet (CSS):

#bottomBanner {background: url('URL OF YOUR TOOLBAR BG') center repeat;display: block;position: fixed;bottom: 0px;left: 50%;margin: 0 0 0 -456px;width: 912px;z-index: 999;height:34;}

Then add this to your bottom part of your website:

<div id="bottomBanner" align="center">

Here's what mine looks like:

looneyheadDate: Friday, 2010 August 20, 9:39 PM | Message # 9
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Group: uCozer
Message: 54
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Here is a newer and better toolbar I made:

It has a chat feature now. You just click chat to open and close.
Attachments: 8999657.png (141.1 Kb)

Edited Bylooneyhead - Friday, 2010 August 20, 9:40 PM
PistolDate: Sunday, 2010 August 29, 10:57 PM | Message # 10
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Group: uCozer
Message: 60
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thats nicely done biggrin
looneyheadDate: Wednesday, 2010 September 01, 3:33 AM | Message # 11
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Group: uCozer
Message: 54
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Thanks. smile

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