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Domain attachment
MickyDate: Thursday, 2010 September 16, 5:47 PM | Message # 1
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Group: User
Message: 2
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For the past few days I have been trying to attach my domain which I recently purchased from a local Internet company.

I succeeded in parking my domain but am frustrated because I find your documentation on how to complete the process cryptic.

This is the message I received:

"The domain (mydomain name) has been parked but not yet attached to the account.
The domain has incorrect set of DNS servers: (names of DNS servers of Internet company)

After you have bought a domain or have made any changes to its settings you need to wait 12 hours

The following list of DNS servers must be supplied:,"

OK, so how do I do this? When I go into the domain attachment menu, I get the above message.
I did the parking last night, more than 12 hours ago. Could you please explain in detail what to do next e.g. you click here, then there etc.?

Could you please get back to me as soon as possible?

Many thanks for your help,


jackassDate: Thursday, 2010 September 16, 5:57 PM | Message # 2
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Group: Administrator
Message: 433
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Micky, it's hard to answer on this, I haven't done it for a few years...

I'm just planing to bay a domain.
I guess you must to change somewhere in your domain settings some numbers for servers.

If no one will answer here I suggest you to go to and ask Sunny

and see this, must help you!

MickyDate: Thursday, 2010 September 16, 11:31 PM | Message # 3
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Group: User
Message: 2
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Dear jackass,

Thank you so much for your reply.
I looked at the documentation that you suggested and I found the message in there that I had been receiving.

This documentation explained the answer very well. I went into the website of the company that sold me the domain and changed the DNS server names to the ucoz DNS servers. Then I tried to attach my ucoz site to the domain that I purchased.

It did not work, but I think it probably takes some time for the DNS change to propagate throughout the Internet.


BrazenDate: Friday, 2010 September 17, 10:05 AM | Message # 4
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Group: Administrator
Message: 304
[ ]
Quote (Micky)
purchased from a local Internet company.

Check if that company provides their own tutorial/instructions on how to transfer a domain.

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