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Forum moderator: kostova  
kostovaDate: Tuesday, 2009 August 11, 11:48 PM | Message # 1
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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I don't use builder for anything, but I've noticed that the builder, when ucoz first updated, has the option of moving certain modules inside a page [i.e. the login form, users that visited for today,etc],

And my question is, is builder only made option when logged into the control panel, or as admin?

Because I have a very innovative idea for that.

LeekinzDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 1:34 AM | Message # 2
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Lieutenant colonel
Group: uCozer
Message: 123
[ ]
I think it's only available to Admins and anyone else with the "Admin Bar"

kostovaDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 1:56 AM | Message # 3
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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Alright. I'm going to experiment with it. I was thinking of grabbing the hidden code
and using it so users can move objects around to customize their page.

I'll get back with the result. Right now I don't feel like tampering with it.

LeekinzDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 1:57 AM | Message # 4
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Lieutenant colonel
Group: uCozer
Message: 123
[ ]
But wouldn't that also give them the power to edit the names and such?

kostovaDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 2:30 AM | Message # 5
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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Absolutely. But the problem is, if i'm correct, the names will change for all pages changed by a single user. If not, my idea goes something like this:

<?if($URI_ID$='$USER_ID$' && $_IS_OWN_PROFILE$)?>builder name change code<?else?>builder name<?endif?>

Which generally means, if the uri id is equal to the user that's logged in currently and is viewing his own profile, then he/she is able to move/rename element containers within the page to adjust it to their setup.

Name change can actually be disabled with css, but anyone can enable it if they have the knowledge.
Or you can simply replicate all but the names and such. I will get back later I'm eating a hot pocket.

Added (2009-08-12, 2:30 Am)
Oh! I've just tested the builder, and since it allows you to edit the block's content, it will probably enable the user to add an abundance of personal info.

i.e. About me. Interests, etc.

Edited Byheysupp - Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 2:21 AM
LeekinzDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 2:41 AM | Message # 6
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Lieutenant colonel
Group: uCozer
Message: 123
[ ]
So at what stage are you stuck on at the moment, Getting it so they cant edit the names and such?

kostovaDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 2:55 AM | Message # 7
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
[ ]
Probably an added way to get the RIGHT content onto a certain profile, is to add this code to id's.
for example, if in the Personal page, a user block element is called
<div id="block#1">
<h1>User 1's data</h1>

then you could add:
<div id="block$_USER_ID$>
<h1>$_USERNAME$'s About me</h1>
$_USERNAME$'s about me content.

That way, the ID could be unique and instead of a user changing the information in that one builder designed for all pages, it would only change for one page.
Of course, it would need to be allowed not just for the administrator but for all users.

Added (2009-08-12, 2:52 Am)
No i haven't even started. I'm too busy right now to work on this idea.

Added (2009-08-12, 2:55 Am)
Within the scripts I'm analyzing right now for the builder

You can change certain things in it and replacing some codes with the $_USER_ID$.

I'm working on it ok , but not right now. I'm too busy. If I don't come up with a breakthrough then oh well. =p

LeekinzDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 2:59 AM | Message # 8
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Lieutenant colonel
Group: uCozer
Message: 123
[ ]
I would offer to help but im quite busy on reading about Java (What a coincidence,) anyways, Hope you can get it to work when your not busy of course.

kostovaDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 4:08 AM | Message # 9
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
[ ]
Well you should help me :] if you're not too busy reading about Java.
I'm learning jQuery right now.
I can create a ucoz-tester site just for the purpose of testing scripts.
ScottyBoyDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 4:21 AM | Message # 10
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Group: uCozer
Message: 88
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Heysupp, This is a very interesting idea. It would be very cool for users to be able to customize their own pages. Let me know how it turns out.

kostovaDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 4:32 AM | Message # 11
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
[ ]
Yes. The only thing I'm considering is Malicious Javascript that anyone can embed if this works out. So I'm contemplating a way to remove javascript inputs from the builder.
LeekinzDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 6:12 AM | Message # 12
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Lieutenant colonel
Group: uCozer
Message: 123
[ ]
Well, I havn't started much on any programming language so I guess since im learning HTML most I may aswell learn JavaScript and JQuery,

kostovaDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 1:47 PM | Message # 13
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
[ ]
Okay. So far I've taken a quick 5 second glance at the descuz.js and found uzBlock ID in the javascript.

That will give me so much as to change whatever I need. Going to start on it tomorrow because today I really didn't feel like doing anything. tongue

jackassDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 5:40 PM | Message # 14
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Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
heysupp, you could by our JS specialist biggrin

But there is other ways to make in users profile about me section, later I will post tutorials

AltricDate: Wednesday, 2009 August 12, 5:41 PM | Message # 15
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Group: uCozer
Message: 81
[ ]
heysupp, This Idea of your's if really beginning to come along, I hope that it works and to find out the Results.

"When you get frustrated, just ignore it and keep on enjoying life."
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