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Forum moderator: kostova  
Forum Rank Images format
ShiFTDate: Friday, 2009 November 20, 9:17 PM | Message # 1
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Group: User
Message: 23
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Can't I just make them without them being GIFS??? I mean, I made images for the user ranks, but they look HORRIBLE as gifs. I would like them to be PNG's, how do I do this??
BrazenDate: Saturday, 2009 November 21, 1:02 AM | Message # 2
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Group: Administrator
Message: 304
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Yes you can just upload your .png to your File Manager and change the image urls in the script from .gip images to your .png ones.

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kostovaDate: Saturday, 2009 November 21, 1:08 AM | Message # 3
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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If you still have the original file (not already in image format, for photoshop it's psd), then just save it as .png.
Although, for transparent images, png format will not work properly in Internet Explorer 6 and below.

Just changing the file extension through file manager would work, but it still will look the same.

ShiFTDate: Saturday, 2009 November 21, 5:45 PM | Message # 4
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Group: User
Message: 23
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it wont work... It says only gif images are allowed. When I link toi the folder where I have my pngs, when I go see the ranks the images dont show up (appear as corrupt)


kostovaDate: Sunday, 2009 November 22, 3:44 AM | Message # 5
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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What says only gif images are allowed? If you are talking about any adobe program, then that is complete bull and you must be doing something wrong on your part.
File manager allows it as well. I have tons of png's on my site File manager. The editor on uNet does too.
If you would but explain yourself more and the steps you took to get this "corruption", then we can resolve this much faster.
ShiFTDate: Sunday, 2009 November 22, 10:08 PM | Message # 6
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Group: User
Message: 23
[ ]
Quote (kostova)
What says only gif images are allowed? If you are talking about any adobe program, then that is complete bull and you must be doing something wrong on your part.
File manager allows it as well. I have tons of png's on my site File manager. The editor on uNet does too.
If you would but explain yourself more and the steps you took to get this "corruption", then we can resolve this much faster.

You didn't get it. :P

Yes, file manager allows png format images to be uploaded. But what I wanted to know is that if I could use png images to be my rank icons "rank[1]..."

But it appears I can't, because it needs to be named "rank[1].gif.." And I can't really get why. Damn, so much work and now I can't use it.

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