Heya uCozers, Here I am going to teach you the couple of basic codes you can use to add in "Default Avatars" into your forum. First of all, You want to go and make a Default Avatar picture, Im going to use this one.
Right, now that we have the image we will now insert it into the forum,
Go to
CP >> Module Design Customization >> Forum: Appearance of Entries
Now that we are here you need to find this code.
"$USERNAME$"class="userAvatar" border="0" src="$AVATAR_URL$"> Now I will teach you what it means,
The parts marked in Blue are SRC Tags, they name the picture, add/minus the border that occurs from a link.
The bits marked in Red are the if statements, They ask the server if the user has $AVATAR_URL$, then endif is self explanatory,
Right, the bits you need to change,
Before the add this,
<?else?><img src="/Default.png" border="0" class="userAvatar">
It should then look like this,
<?if($AVATAR_URL$)?><img title="$USERNAME$" class="userAvatar" border="0" src="$AVATAR_URL$" ><?else?><img src="/Default.png" border="0" class="userAvatar"><?endif?>
Then if you've done that right it will show Default.png if they don't have an avatar, but if they do it will show their avatar,