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Forum moderator: kostova  
The Frame for Online Games
KroneDate: Sunday, 2009 October 25, 1:39 PM | Message # 1
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Group: uCozer
Message: 79
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If you have installed the Online Games module to your site and the games that come with it, then, when uploading your own game, you would like it to be in the same frame/box like the rest, otherwise it would look messy.

So this is pretty easy but might be complicated to some.
Download this Image:

When you have done so, open it on your photo-editing software (recommended photoshop), and follow the instructions below:

Make sure the background is transparent!

1. Open the image given on your image editing sofwtare

2. Find an image your want to use as the game logo and place/paste it onto your image

3. Resize the image you have placed onto your our image

4. ^^ Antil it is placed how you want it to show

5. Now move the logo to the bottom layer and put the image we given you to the top but select the logo

6. Now zoom in, and arase the outside of the frame on the image we given you including the edges - make sure you still have the logo you found selected!

7. Now when you have done that - move the logo your found to the top layer

8. Here is what it should look like (this is an example - your logo should be different)

~Done if you have a white background on your site
If you have a dark background keep reading.

9. Zoom in and put erase the outside white parts of the logo we given you (make sure its on the bottom buts its selected)

10. You dont have to remove the gray part/the shaddow if you dont want to but you can if you want. When you have done this is what it should look like

Then its ready for uploading as the game logo smile

Edit: Sorry its messy I was in a massive rush
kostovaDate: Monday, 2009 October 26, 0:31 AM | Message # 2
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Group: Administrator
Message: 268
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There's a much easier way of doing this lol, anyways great tutorial :-P
KroneDate: Tuesday, 2009 November 03, 6:34 PM | Message # 3
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Group: uCozer
Message: 79
[ ]
Quote (kostova)
There's a much easier way of doing this lol

How? Ive been to busy to look for other ways biggrin

Added (2009 November 03, 6:34 Pm)
How? I really could do with a faster way biggrin
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