Oh dam! I didn't know that someone is coming here! :'(
I started to use this site as an archive for scripts...
Since Brazen isn't coming here so often and no one was asking questions I was coming here not so often as well
Dam, my English is worst!
Once I was working on uCozers new design, witch would look like windows desktop, but I had a problems and I left my work on this project! Started do improve my own site, it takes a lot of time, I writing tutorials in Latvian language and writing reviews about movies and games and stuff like that!
I don't even know what to do with this site!
But if here is coming users, so now I will try to post some new tutorials I guess!
Looks, like if we don't want this site to become an archive for scripts, someone need to help as!
Or we can make this site only for tutorials, so we don't answer on users questions only witch is related to tutorials?
I need some ideas, will someone help my, us - this site?