Our forum is new, but many users is breaking rules (making off-topic, using bad language etc) So I made a warning system!
Every time when user breaks a rule he will get a nice award, called WARNING!
For now it will look like this
Warning count:
If you get 1 warning it ok, but if you get 3 warnings then your reproof level will increase for 20% and you will be blocked for 3 days!
If you collect 6 warnings you will have 40% and blocked for 7 days
If you collect 9 warnings you will have 60% and blocked for 30 days
If you collect 12 warnings you will have 80% and blocked for 60 days
So you understand, if you get 15 warnings you will be blocked for ever!
Q: Can I remove my warnings?
A: Yes, 1 good thing can remove 1 bad thing!
Q: Can I get 2 warnings in one day?
A: No, because you will be blocked for one day!
Q: If I have 3 warnings and I do something good will Admins remove my reproof level?
A: You wish, of course NO! when you reach 3 warnings you cant remove them! Only if you have 4 warnings then you can remove one!
The administration reserves the right to change the rules with the further notification of forum users. All forum changes and updates are carried out with the consideration of users’ opinions and interests.
Update: 2011.03.14: after warning you will be blocked for one day