Nevermind, Ive got as close as I can, and im proud of it. Login Form Code:
<div id="usr-optns">
<a id="mop_member_10726998_0_164440578" href="" title="Log" class="avatar-link"></a></div>
<ul class="usr-optns-menu">
<li id="usr-optns-becomegm"><td width="20%" nowrap="nowrap"></td><td><input class="loginForm" type="text" name="user" value="" size="20" style="width:100%;" maxlength="50"/></td></li>
<td><input class="pass" type="password" name="password" size="20" style="width:100%" maxlength="15"/></td> </li>
<li class="user-optns-nickname"><td colspan="2"><div style="font-size:7pt;text-align:center;"><a href="$REMINDER_LINK$">Lost password</a> | <a href="$REGISTER_LINK$">Registration</a></div></td>
<td align="right" valign="top"><input class="loginButton" name="sbm" type="submit" value="Login"/></td> </li>
It probably wont work on normal uCoz designs, but mine has special .js and .css inside the design so it works.
But how do you add text into each fill in form?
E.G, Login form says 'Username' and Password form says 'Password' in it, and when you click the form, the text disapears for you to fill it in.