1. Go to Admin bar and enable builder
2. Go again to Admin bar and add a new block, call it menu
3. Edit this block
4. Select a widgets and Graphic menu with an effect
- 1. Each item in a new line - if this will be checked, each menu buttotn will be in new line.
- 2. Select an image, when you click on Image 1, it will open File Manager, you can choose location, and upload image 1, you can upload PNG format as well, if you want, but if you upload PNG and refresh File Manager, this uploaded image will be hiden, because that File Manager shows only GIF images and images which you just uploaded, so you can use PNG or other formats too.
Than upload next, image 2, it will show up when mouse will be over
Next to images is a link field, there you paste link, where users will be redirected after click on buttotn
You cann click on + and add more menu lines.
- 3. Change content - it's about block, do you want to replace content or add more, so we just created this block and will change content, because block was empty
- 4. Just apply changes and thats all, the menu is ready
6. Now you need to save changes, again go to Admin bar and hit save
Result should look something like that, only with your uploaded images
Will the menu images disappeared if I delete them from File Manager?
Yes How big images do I need?
If smaller, than menu will load faster, all images must be the same size width ...px hight ...px, if images will be different size menu will look bad