We should be able to manually create forms instead of having to pick one from a very small list. Also the list of forms only contain email forms...My suggestion in this affair is very obvious.
I would like to know how to create my own page, where people can add new entries themselves. Although I have tried this many times, it doesn't seem to work. I copied and pasted this code: "<?if($ADD_ENTRY_LINK$)?><div style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:3px;">[ <a href="$ADD_ENTRY_LINK$">Add news entry</a> ]</div><?endif?>$LAST_NEWS$"
onto my own page, but unfortunately it just redirects you straight back to the home page when you add a new entry. Indeed i'm very picky about my little suggestions here and there, but like I said...They're essential.
Available for users onlyAdded (2012 April 06, 11:58 PM)