avatars n more
Sir_Cr4p | Date: Monday, 2009 June 01, 12:33 PM | Message # 1
Group: User
Message: 29
[ ]
| http://forum.ucoz.com/forum/7-3388-1 it works, but i want to add more info, like user group, rank, rank name etc. i've added it, but no effect.
Edited BySir_Cr4p - Monday, 2009 June 01, 12:34 PM |
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jackass | Date: Monday, 2009 June 01, 12:44 PM | Message # 2
Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
| Sir_Cr4p, where did you add it and what did you add? Show the code and your website link. We will try to help you
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Sir_Cr4p | Date: Monday, 2009 June 01, 3:04 PM | Message # 3
Group: User
Message: 29
[ ]
| Code <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="194" style="background-color: #F6A37B;"> <tr><td style="background-image:url('http://s101.ucoz.net/t/161/7.gif'); background-color:#FFC5A9; height: 25px; color:#CC5D28; padding-left:25px;"><b>Personal data</b></td></tr> <tr><td align="center" style="background:#FFFAF8;padding:7px;"> <?if($LOGIN_FORM$)?> Welcome, Guest! <div> </div> <IMG SRC="http://bridog.co.cc/ava1.gif" BORDER="0"> <div> </div> $LOGIN_FORM$ <?else?>
<?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> Welcome, $USERNAME$! <div> </div> <?if($USER_AVATAR_URL$)?><IMG SRC="$USER_AVATAR_URL$" BORDER="0"> <?else?> <IMG SRC="http://bridog.co.cc/ava2.gif" BORDER="0"> <?endif?> <div> </div> <a href="$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$" title="My profile">My profile</a> <div> </div> <a href="$LOGOUT_LINK$" title="Log out">Log out</a> <?endif?> <?endif?> </td></tr> </table>
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jackass | Date: Monday, 2009 June 01, 3:30 PM | Message # 4
Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
| And what are you try to add and what don't work?
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Sir_Cr4p | Date: Monday, 2009 June 01, 11:43 PM | Message # 5
Group: User
Message: 29
[ ]
| i want to add security code, etc. Code <table width="194" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td style="background: transparent url(/.s/t/871/5.gif) repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; color: rgb(247, 217, 141);" align="center" height="29"><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt;"><b><!-- <bt> -->*E*Data<!-- </bt> --></b></span></td></tr> <tr><td style="padding: 5px 5px 0pt; background: rgb(0, 0, 0) url(/.s/t/871/6.gif) repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;"><!-- <bc> --><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="184" style="background-color: #000000;"> <tr><td align="center" style="background:#000000;padding:7px;"> <?if($LOGIN_FORM$)?> Hello, Scout! <div> </div> <IMG SRC="http://www.embattled.ucoz.com/ava/Collection1/av1.jpg" BORDER="0"> <div> </div> $LOGIN_FORM$ <div> </div> <?if($SECURITY_CODE_FL$)?> <tr id="siM60"><td class="manTd1" id="siM61">$SECURITY_CODE_SIGN$</td><td class="manTd2" id="siM62">$SECURITY_CODE_FL$</td></tr><tr><td height="10" class="manTdSep" colspan="2"><hr class="manHr" /></td></tr> <?endif?> <?else?>
<?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?> Hello, $USERNAME$! <div> </div> <?if($USER_TITLE$)?><div class="postRankName">$USER_TITLE$</div> <?endif?> <?if($GROUP_NAME$)?><div class="postUserGroup"><span title="Rank: $_RANK$">$_RANK_ICON$</span><br> <b>$GROUP_NAME$</b><span class="forum_nik$UID$"></span></div><?endif?> <?if($GROUP_ICON$)?><div class="postRankIco">$GROUP_ICON$</div><?else?><div class="postRankIco">$USER_RANK_ICON$</div><?endif?> <div> </div> <?if($USER_AVATAR_URL$)?><IMG SRC="$USER_AVATAR_URL$" BORDER="0"> <?else?> <IMG SRC="http://www.embattled.ucoz.com/ava/Collection1/av1.jpg" BORDER="0"> <?endif?> <div> </div> <a href="$PERSONAL_PAGE_LINK$" title="*E*Profile">*E*Profile</a> <div> </div> <a href="$LOGOUT_LINK$" title="*E*Log out">*E*Log out</a> <div> </div> <?if($USER_RANK_NAME$)?><div class="postRankName">$USER_RANK_NAME$</div><?endif?> <div> </div> <?if($USER_RANK_ICON$)?><div class="postRankName">$USER_RANK_ICON$</div><?endif?> <div> </div> <?endif?> <?endif?> <?if($IS_NEW_PM$)?><script type="text/javascript">function flashit(id,cl){var c=document.getElementById(id);if (c.style.color=='red'){c.style.color=cl;}else {c.style.color='red';}}setInterval("flashit('upml','')",500)</script><bgsound src="http://s102.ucoz.net/img/fr/pm.wav" loop="1" volume="0" balance="0"> <?endif?> </td></tr> </table><!-- </bc> --></td></tr> <tr><td><img src="/.s/t/871/7.gif" border="0"></td></tr> </tbody></table><br>
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jackass | Date: Tuesday, 2009 June 02, 0:29 AM | Message # 6
Major general
Group: Administrator
Message: 433
[ ]
| Sir_Cr4p, you have $GROUP_NAME$ but on the main page is available only $USER_GROUP$ so it wont show up, and few other codes isn't there too... So if you add it on page editor pages it wont work! See which codes are available Go CP > Main » Customize design » Editing templates select one of the page editor templates and see what is available and then use it
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Sir_Cr4p | Date: Tuesday, 2009 June 02, 1:59 PM | Message # 7
Group: User
Message: 29
[ ]
| tx, it works now.
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